Teaching Leash Walking? Do This FIRST!

We’ve all seen that person being pulled down the sidewalk, as the dog strains on leash. Not only is this NOT fun, it could be dangerous. So…what’s a human to do?  How do we hold their attention, so that they walk nicely on leash? 

In this dog training video, I show Brick, a client’s dog, who is a dedicated leash puller, the concept of staying near me on leash. And he doesn’t even notice that he’s being trained!

Did you notice how each click is followed by a treat? This teaches Brick to enjoy hanging out near me. That’s the very first step toward leash walking. It’s that simple. Each time he approaches or follows me or gives me his attention — he’s rewarded with click and a treat. Do you see him catching on that what HE is doing is getting rewarded?  The clicker speeds up training because it clearly communicates “I like what you just did AND you will be rewarded.”

Since we’re still social distancing due to COVID-19, I’m offering dog training from the comfort of your own home — and mine — via ZOOM.  And if you like my video, be sure to subscribe to my Dog Gone Fun! YouTube Channel, so you can catch all my upcoming dog training videos. AND — if you still need help — I’m here! Just contact me.