Try These Simple Leash Walking Tricks — Nose Touch & Heel

If your dog is a dedicated leash puller, don’t despair! You can teach even the most stubborn leash pullers to enjoy walking next to you. All it takes is baby steps.

In my latest video, Brick learns that he is rewarded for staying by my side. (Pssst…the way to a dog’s heart is through him stomach!)

Sorry the sound quality wasn’t the best on this video, but you get the point, right?

Begin this exercise indoors, so there aren’t any distractions. As your dog becomes “attached” to your hand, you can move outdoors and continue the lesson. Here are the basic elements:

Nose Touch Lesson

  • Place 10 treats in your hand and hold it behind your back. (Out of sight, out of mind.)
  • Put one treat in the “touch” hand. Make a fist.
  • Hold your fist slightly in front the dog’s nose. Wait for dog’s nose to touch your fist. (Not the other way around.)
  • When his nose touches your fist, open and feed. Repeat 5 times.
  • Now, slowly move your hand away – at nose level – so he’ll follow and touch.
  • Say good or click.
  • Repeat 5 – 10 times before making it harder.

Heel Lesson

Continue with the Nose Touch Lesson, as described above, and add the “click” sound before you treat.  Pretend you are taking a picture of what you like when you “click” or say “good” then deliver a reward.

With dedicated leash pullers we need to work on baby steps before we put it all together. Practice rewarding your dog for being near you and for following your fist and soon you will have a dog who enjoys walking next to you! 

Did you know I’m offering dog training from the comfort of your own home — and mine — via ZOOM? And if you like my video, be sure to subscribe to my Dog Gone Fun! YouTube Channel, so you can catch all my upcoming dog training videos. AND — if you still need help — I’m here! Just contact me.