Have you been out walking Spot–or at least trying? Is he pulling you down the street, or back & forth on the sidewalk trying to sniff everything? How’s a person supposed to get any exercise around here? If you are having trouble with pup on leash, keep reading below for my latest tips.
EXERCISE FIRST. Get your pooch to a fenced area pronto and get her to run around or chase a ball or call her back and forth so she runs until her tongue is dragging. You want her good and tired so you both will be prepared for the next step.
- ALL WALKS ARE TRAINING WALKS. Make a decision that from now on, when Lancer is on leash you will not allow him to pull. Now, chant to yourself: Loose leash means we walk, and tight leash means we STOP. AND: I will NOT go forward unless Pooper is NOT pulling! If you are consistent and practice this daily, you will begin to see a dog that walks with you and not against you.
- REWARDS: USE THEM. Your new list of leash walking equipment includes: Leash, baggies and tiny pieces of chicken or steak. When dog is not pulling say,”Gooooood Puppy!” a lot. Then occasionally, pop a treat in her mouth. Also, use sniffing and saying hi to other dogs as a reward. Puppy should walk next to you FIRST and THEN you go sniff!
- WALK WITH A 3′ LEASH. Take your 6′ leash and tie a knot in it 1/2 way down. Now, hold the leash on the knot, so it’s now only 3′ long. Use this to keep FIDO close to you while you walk a block or so. At the end of the block, say,”OK!” and let her go sniff around for a minute. THIS is her ultimate reward.
- USE A NO-PULL HARNESS. The leash will attach to the front of the dog’s chest and will gently and easily stop him from pulling. There are many new ones on the market, but I’ve been using the Sensation Harness and the Gentle Leader No-Pull Harness.
- SIT-DOWN-STAY. Practice obedience while out walking to get pooch in the habit of listening to you while on walks.