A day in the life of a dog in the wild is filled with challenging activities like hunting and foraging food. They are never bored! Our pets, on the other hand, are cooped up in the house because of wildfire smoke and are at the mercy of our busy lifestyles. So it’s good to consider if you’re providing your dog with the level of activity and mental enrichment he needs.
There’s not much opportunity for Social Enrichment right now. But you can still take your dog for a walk or a car ride and let them get a “doggie cookie” at your favorite teller window or coffee shop.
Cognitive Enrichment for dogs engages problem-solving skills. Puzzles, increasing their vocabulary, Find It games, and dog food toys that challenge them are great options. Some of my favorite puzzles are made by Nina Ottosson.
Achieve Environmental Enrichment by adding new things to your dog’s surroundings, like obstacle courses, ramps, tunnels, or even mirrors.
You don’t have to always use a bowl for meals. You can stimulate Feeding Enrichment by putting their food in a dog food toy or puzzle. Think Snuffle Mat. I like to hide kibbles in a blanket too! That lets them use their digging skills.
I love using a flirt pole to encourage jumping, running and chasing. That’s Toy Enrichment at its finest! Think of toys that can be manipulated with their paws or mouth to get the reward. Try an almost empty, plastic peanut butter jar — some dogs can twist those lids right off. Or maybe food in a closed cereal box. A Kong is always a good idea!
Sensory Enrichment is anything that stimulates your dog’s five senses — sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Try nose work, like hiding treats or splash diluted chicken or beef stock in the yard, or let them chase flavored bubbles bacon.
Use your imagination and switch up the mental activities to keep them feeling fresh and new.
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