Teaching Doggie Impulse Control

Does it seem like your dog has ADD? Is it hard to hold his attention or get him to STAY put for even a few seconds? Does he lunge, bark, jump, sniff and then pee all with in two seconds? Well, there are several things you can do to get your life back:

  1. Intense daily exercise is a requirement for overly enthusiastic dogs. One option is doggie daycare 2 or 3 times a week to help burn off excess energy and have a relaxed dog for a day. Well run dog parks are another option. Or, schedule playtime with other like minded furry friends.
  2. Teach be a couch potato. Teach your pup to relax inside. Go outdoors for excitement and high energy games, and encourage quiet activities inside. This will classically condition your dog to be relaxed indoors.
  3. Prevention is best: Successful training relies on not letting your dog get into trouble when you can’t watch her. Make full use of: Baby gates, exercise pens, crates and leashes! Leash your puppy to you or to the couch, put her in the bathroom behind a baby gate when necessary and crate her when you are gone…
  4. Leave-It teaches impulse control. Tether dog to heavy piece of furniture and put a treat or bone or toy out of reach. Wait for him to relax and look away and tell him,”Good Leave-it.” Progress to a moving leave-it and walking past leave-its.
  5. WAIT for everything! My dog Simon has learned it takes me forever to leave the house so he no longer gets excited until we actually walk out the door. Leash up your dog & tether him if you need to and then have him wait for you to get ready. Another great place to wait is inside the car. Open the car door and have Fido wait for 30 seconds before you say, “OK!”