Come Here!

Is your dog ignoring you when you call her? Too busy sniffing or chasing to come when called? Practice these simple games to get a more Reliable Recall from Runaway Roxanne.

Games to get Fido to Come!

  • ROUND ROBIN: With two or more people, form a circle and take turns calling dog and giving treats. As game progresses, you can keep making the circle larger.
  • HIDE AND SEEK: Have dog SIT and STAY, or have someone hold him. Run and hide and then call him to you. When he arrives, make a big deal.
  • THREE TIMES A DAY: Call your pooch and when she arrives, act like a miracle just occurred. Have a 15-30 second party with steak or cheese & a squeaky toy and a really high pitched happy voice.
  • RUNNING AWAY: Practice calling Roxy while she’s running away from you, but you’d better have something fabulous like Feta or Parmesan cheese. Do this in a fenced in area until she’s reliable…

REMEMBER: Freedom is earned. Don’t let pooch off leash until you’re willing to bet $50 he’ll return when called!